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Year 1 - Sunflowers Class and Tulips Class

Welcome to Year 1



In Tulips Class the teacher is Miss Spiller and the Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Jasper.


In Sunflowers Class the teacher is Mrs Harper and the Learning Support Assistant is Mrs Haffenden.


In Year 1 we aim to make the transition from the Early Years to Key Stage 1 as smooth as possible so that the children feel safe, confident and ready to build upon their learning from Nursery and Reception. We design our curriculum so that it is purposeful and fun; and learn about topics such as the first moon landing, the seaside and the UK to engage and motivate the children. Please see the KS1 Curriculum Overview and the half-termly knowledge organisers for more details about what we cover and when.

We aim to provide as many hands-on learning activities as possible and encourage the children to develop independence, resilience and a love for learning, as well as develop their knowledge and understanding across the curriculum. Throughout the year we organise many visitors and school outings to enrich our topics. In recent years, our trips have ranged from a walk around the local area as part of our Geography learning and trips to a local church to enhance our RE, to taking a coach to explore Wellington Country Park. We are always looking for new and exciting trips to go on!  

In Year 1 our children have weekly music lessons provided by a specialist music teacher. We are also lucky enough to have weekly PE lessons delivered by sports coaches. 

Useful information:

  • In Year 1 the children bring home a phonics book that is selected by their class teacher so that it carefully matches their phonics learning. This will be changed weekly, or when the child is ready to move on. They can also bring home another reading book which they can choose themselves whenever they need a new one. We encourage them to choose these books from the appropriate boxes independently, but we will support them in making the right choices! We would like the children to read at home at least 5 times a week.
  • We have PE on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so please send your child in to school wearing their kits on these days – and make sure that earrings are taken out for safety reasons!                                              

Please see the links for our knowledge organisers and end of year learning expectations, as well as other useful documents.

If you would like any further information about Year 1, please email